De Facto Chief of Staff

There are 1000s of de facto Chiefs of Staff that are the unsung heroes of business. Here’s what I tell these folks to ask themselves…

Do you find yourself acting as a…

●      Strategic Advisor

●      Trusted Confidante

●      Master Organizer

●      CXO/President/GM Proxy

●      Executive Presence Coach

Do you often…

●      Connect different business units

●      Facilitate cross functional collaboration

●      Run executive team meetings

●      Track change management initiatives

●      Plug a resource gap

●      Gather internal feedback

Does your leader ask you for…

●      Ghostwriting

●      Board meeting prep

●      Strategic analysis

●      Thought partnership

●      Your sympathy so they can vent ;)

I’ve met with plenty of folks who later realized that they played this role without any formal sponsorship or mandate from the organization. The next question is: how do I convince my leader to formally take me on as a Chief of Staff?

To learn more about the Chief of Staff role, download our Chief of Staff Playbook here.


Executive Team Leverage Playbook


The Chief of Staff is a VC Risk Reduction Tool