Mastering the art of building company KPI dashboards

Chiefs of Staff and Executive Assistants, we have two questions for you: how accurate and how actionable is your company KPI dashboard? CEOs rely on up-to-date information on key performance indicators to make vital decisions about the company. 

If your dashboard isn’t accurate, then you may be focusing on the wrong problems. For example, if employee sentiment is showing red, but your team actually loves working at your company, you might waste valuable resources on an employee engagement program. 

If your dashboard isn’t actionable, then you waste time creating it in the first place and discussing it during business reviews. Your strategy remains stagnant and you stay the course rather than committing to important changes in your business.

How do you fix this? 

Improve dashboard accuracy by inspecting data quality, data sources and data consistency. Spot problems and sanity check your data on a regular basis. Garbage in, garbage out.

Make your dashboard actionable by adding your own data analysis and suggested action plans to boost your KPIs. Dashboard information should also be easy to consume with attractive, color-coded charts and proper appendices. 

Dashboard review sessions should be focused on the “so what” so that you commit to future actions to strengthen your KPIs. 

So, Chiefs of Staff and Executive Assistants, your Office of the CEO should live and die by the quality of your dashboards. It’s up to you to make sure they are accurate and actionable.

Download our Office of the CEO playbook here for more insights on creating actionable KPI dashboards that drive your CEO's decision-making.


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